Category: Food

  • Be Progressive, B-E-progressive!

    Subtle, but more modern-er Breezing through the aisles of the grocery, I was looking at the cans of Chef Boyardee and I saw that Dinty Moore Beef Stew had “freshened” up. My typography teacher back in Ohio State used to get migraines walking around and seeing all the bad type treatments on signs. Some of…

  • Fish outta water

    The Snack Truck That Smiles Back I got nothing done at work today. Well, I made a mental list of all the stuff that needs to be tackled. Overwhelmed, I took lunch with another potential client. This added to the mayhem in my head. It’s another big corporate gig. I think the hollow feeling in…

  • Chipotle

    There’s always a line. Went window shopping with a friend, lookin at cowboy hats and boots. Dang, one hat cost 300 bucks, but it was made of fur and had a special carrying case. Decided to visit Best Buy afterward and I picked up a WiFi card for a PC laptop. 34 bucks after the…

  • Grillout

    Grilled pork chops, sweet corn on the cob, scalloped potatoes, salad with homegrown bell pepper, french bread and iced tea.

  • Farewell Pizza

    GW and Sarah await the pizza I met with NOLS today and got some work done for other clients, mooching off the wireless net at the office there. A good meeting with some great opportunities. Fun stuff. That evening, after some laundry, Brad and I went out to GW and Gabi’s for pizza. Sarah came…

  • Good day

    The shadow of fellows bending over a grill preparing ribs and searing tuna stretch across the lawn. Gardeners kick back barefoot with spirits after a long day of work. Newly planted trees, fenced from the deer, and flowers in bloom have attracted bugs, uncommon at any time of year. An anxious pup in the distance…

  • Some days, are ravioli days

    Mmmmm, partially hydrogenated oils… Garbage day: All spoilt and suspect food expunged from the fridge at home. Wastepaper baskets emptied at the studio and taken to curb. Organized my desk into piles and labeled them with post-it notes. Followed up countless emails and even shared some workload. Apart from that, it was, yet again, hedging…

  • Corny

    Mmmmm, food. So I stayed at home most of yesterday, avoiding solids and nursing an intense abdominal pain that started prior to the wedding. No over-the-counter remedy would provide any of the advertised “fast acting relief” and I didn’t think they would. It was good day to be fetal, another gray rainy day. By evening,…

  • No sushi

    They already packed up the sushi for the day Heather and I are almost fixtures at Kosho now, as Dave learns to fly planes. I’ll be honest, I never get the sushi. I’m quite particular about that and prefer the place in KY next to the airport in the Toyota offices. It’s fresh, super fresh,…

  • Know what a panda has for lunch?

    Coming Soon to your local market: The Snickers Aisle I was sitting there on the back porch, drinking my Sprite Remix (aka tropical flavored), thinking about how great it is to be here now, with all these options in life. Who knew just ‘gettin on’ would be so rewarding. Back in my day, when you…