Category: Movies

  • At the Showcase Cinema

    Popcorn camouflage Been lacking on the movie-going of late. Usually I squeeze in a good handful over the holidays, but either the calendar is fuller or options at the cineplex are less enticing. Movie 1 I did catch Juno with my ma on the day when everything but the cinema is closed. Liked it so…

  • Tissues und Brillen-Putztücher

    Above the Ghetto in the bathroom Back in 2003, I went to Europe with a fine group of fellas. It was about this time of year in fact. While there I ate excellent food, saw lots of art, rode a bike around, wrote the neatest things on scraps of paper that made no sense the…

  • Under new management

    and running out of readerboard 3’s When I passed by the Holiday Auto Theatre back in January, it was up for sale. It has since sold and they’re starting to shake things up—using off days to put classics on the drive-in screen (last week they had Re-Animator!) I think this bodes well. I was going…

  • Entertainment recap

    The RAVE theater in West Chester Children of Men this past week left me a little speechless. I haven’t wanted to see a movie twice in a while. This might be that movie. I had a great phone conversation with my mom talking about the themes, the possibility, the look, and the way people treated…

  • Holiday Auto Theatre

    From their house rules: Common sense prevails I pass by this drive-in (on the outskirts of Hamilton, OH) often on the way to work. Even posted a photo of their entrance sign last June. The sky was particularly clear today, so I pulled in and made with the snapshots, wondering how much the place cost.…

  • snowbot + the new dakota movie

    It’s like KITT, but more festive The above electronic snowman robot (powered by USB cable) is available from Think Geek. Many thanks to the 3 bears for putting it on my doorstep. If you’re curious to see it in action, I posted a grainy movie clip on Vimeo. — In other news: just got back…

  • Banana ketchup, Wympee, & The Holiday

    Inside and outside the Wympee burger [ not quite a Mazda jingle: zoom, zoom ] I’ve been to downtown Dayton proper only a handful of times. More and more recently. This week I had dinner at Pacchia. Sadly no photos as I loathe the flash, but there wasn’t a way I could’ve documented the excellent…

  • wishbone, Bobby

    Loveland, Ohio Thanksgiving was good. I woke up early enough to watch the Macy’s parade kick off. I quickly remembered how all the lip-synched musical numbers made me anything but thankful, and pined for a version without hosts and more float coverage. Then I met up with my mom and the brother I seldom get…

  • Marie Antoinette

    This is not the Pepsi Generation Dan and I found the local cineplex this Sunday and caught the Sofia Coppola flick. They sold pizza at the theater which seemed good because we hadn’t eaten dinner. The pizza looked better than it tasted, and paled in comparison to all the food (porn) on the big screen.…

  • dorks on a polaroid

    Newport, KY “The Brown” had 2-for-1 movie passes. We went to see that one with the snakes. Maybe I was in a gullible mood, but I threw popcorn in the air on at least three occasions, and grabbed a hold of her arm a few times to boot. Fun gratuitous scares. Outside the theater a…