Category: Friends
Eddie aims Birthday party last evening. What to buy a 9 year old? With some asking around, I got one response. “Weapons.” I can dig that. I was totally into knights and armor and whatnot around that age. By the time all the wrapping paper was whisked away, there was enough nerf ammo to start…
The Thanksgiving that was
Before it gets too blurry… I’ve many things to be thankful for this year. I’m determined to write each thing down, on paper, put a stamp to them, and send ’em out to those responsible. If I can post every day in November, I can take a few off in December and do that very…
crawling really fast
Too fast to focus The holidays have unofficially started. A good dozen friends from high school, their significant others, and kids came together for a pre-thanksgiving dinner tonight. It was a bit of surprise to see folks from Los Angeles, South Carolina, Virginia, and Florida in attendance—though not everyone strayed far from our alma mater.…
I wanna play I stopped to check on some stuff with Wendy yesterday, and she was deftly juggling her youngest (who is now officially crawling) and oldest (who is a bundle of energy) while the middle one was out for a nap. It was that antsy part of the afternoon when an activity is good…
Farm Day 5
yum, digits Another fall-tastic Farm Day. The weather smiled for the 5th annual shindig out on the farm. In addition to the food, drink, and inflatable bounce house for the young ones, a windy path through the fields gave an opportunity to enjoy the sunshine. A history of creating shirts for the event took a…
Drew-o-Rama and Daisy Fuentes sunglasses
Cheap shades One of the wonky things about this aspect ratio I’ve locked myself into is that it’s hard to get a close-up portrait squeezed in the frame without lopping off major faceparts. Such is the case when I had dinner with Drew this week down at my favorite pizza joint. Great guy I’ve known…
Dinner Club: Breakfast Edition, Pleasant Ridge
A few of the young faces that made an appearance Dinner Club is now going into it’s third year, and admittedly we’ve been slacking on these semi-monthly get togethers. Everyone keeps making babies. This is one excuse that is perfectly awesome. And though it’s harder to find a slice of time (or the babysitters required)…
slumber party
And our lamps don’t line up Brown had a rehearsal up in Springfield (she’s a percussionist) and instead of driving the hours back to Cincinnati, she crashed at our pad. It was late so we didn’t get too rowdy. The evening ended with a round of that Mario Party game on the Wii. A game…
No pumpkins
My shadow is long Dinner with my mom, Dan, Tom, Wendy and the crew closed out the holiday weekend. It was so good, I wanted _just one more day_ of holiday weekend. After dinner, we tromped around the pumpkin patch looking for anything semi-round and orange. No luck. Some type of animal, large or small,…
twist on a classic
This? A bloody mary with homegrown tomatoes Headed up to Yellow Spring last night for a dinner under the stars with Chris and Inger. They made good with a brisket and a peach crisp dessert that I’m still rolling over in my tastebud memory. Last time we went there I had a Wiedemann. The future…