I wanna play
I stopped to check on some stuff with Wendy yesterday, and she was deftly juggling her youngest (who is now officially crawling) and oldest (who is a bundle of energy) while the middle one was out for a nap.
It was that antsy part of the afternoon when an activity is good to focus young energy. Wendy broke out a classic Colorforms set and immediately I flashed back to the Smurfs set I had growing up.
This set was basic primary colors and shapes. Anything was possible and man I just wanted to chuck my work duties and just sit there and join in the fun. But I needed to run to the post office and bank, and (insert gigantic to-do list).
A virtual check in later revealed the fruits of their labor—butterfly and mountain range (continue to view).
Current music: Growing “Friendly Confines”
man, i would KILL for a Smurf colorforms set !!!
i just found your blog via swissmiss and love it. i’ll definitely be coming back for more!
i completely remember having Colorforms in that very same black box. I always hated once you pulled them off the plastic sheet for the first time because it was virtually impossible to organize them after that!