crawling really fast

Too fast to focus

The holidays have unofficially started.

A good dozen friends from high school, their significant others, and kids came together for a pre-thanksgiving dinner tonight. It was a bit of surprise to see folks from Los Angeles, South Carolina, Virginia, and Florida in attendance—though not everyone strayed far from our alma mater.

New Richmond if you’re curious. A small town that only had two stoplights, a Big Boy and a pizza joint when I was growing up. We also had a kick-ass public school system that taught me a thing or two, and forged friendships that stick some thirty years later. (I’ll do the math, that means I’ve known some of these folk since I was five.)

I figure our parents might have thought we were an unusually tight bunch. Though we’re not all pen-pally, there are never too many twists in the grapevine to keep apprised of who is where and up to what (without the bother of Facebook or MySpace.) It’s baffling really, but I’m not one to second-guess this stuff.

Time flies and it’s good to have anchors planted along the path.

PhotosYes, I was annoying with the camera. Didn’t capture everyone, but here’s 40 snapshots from the evening

Current music: James Blackshaw “Transient Life In Twilight”


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