Category: Family
a tin full of cookies
all that remains are these images The remainder of Christmas Day: We caught The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which is a fine enough flick. I didn’t want Brad Pitt to get younger as much as I wanted to turn on some lamps around the set. Either it was a dark movie or the projectors…
cold cuts
a tiny slice of the much larger spread Birthday party / early holiday get-together with Dan’s family today, somewhere up north where harvested fields give way to elaborate churches or grain silos on every horizon. No one left with a black eye and I don’t think any wills were re-written, so I’m considering it a…
Halloween, 1982
A scene from my youth My brother dug up this photo the other day, and man it pulls on the strings of my nostalgic heart. That’s an 11-year-old me over there on the right, as the world’s tallest E.T. My mom’s looking on from the backdoor of our old house. See, I was entirely obsessed…
Not quite 99 luft balloons This July 4th, the parade in Northside was not damped by rain. At least not from our vantage. And again my mother and brother out-did themselves with decor and food spread. We filled up on sights from the street and the backyard, ate too much, and yet somehow found the…
my mother’s day
looking up from below I stayed up too late last night happily jamming on a project, not considering that I’d crash hard and nap, perhaps too much, after work today. Groggy at 11pm, I realized today is my mom’s birthday. Barely. A quick call found her in bed, but still awake (so she says). Love…
Gabrielle graduates
Among the mortarboards Drove down to see my niece graduate from high school. The whole ceremony was too long, but I think that is normal for these things. Everyone’s ass was sore from the bleachers. Still managed to enjoy the event, and proud of my niece. A few more photos from the evening
My mom and niece My niece had a birthday this week. She’s now old enough to vote and a host of other things I can’t recall at this hour. Anyway there was a little get-together last night and dag it was good to see my sis, nephews and their other halves. And of course it…
463 miles
This diptych bothers me not because they’re mobile phone snapshots, but because the perspectives aren’t exactly the same. Woke early and loaded the 10 foot long “mini mover.” Attached tow for the car. Hit the road. Glimpsed the blue ridge. (left) Ate bad food. (right) White knuckles through the construction with concrete barriers. I swore…
An XM Radio poster behind the ticketing counter [ +zoom ] Got up way too early and jumped on an AirTran plane. Never flown with this airline before, but it is cheap and flies out of Dayton. They serve Coca-Cola products and my flight(s) offered those individually wrapped shortbread cookies that are packaged in factories…
My sister gets her wings
That’s her, glowing in the middle Over the past month or so, I’ve talked to my sister on the phone more than I have in ages. She’s been cramming on her studies to do something she’s only dreamed about: becoming a flight attendant. On each call she was more and more excited, passing each test…