Category: Work
Blocking out time
Wendy helps me formulate a workable schedule The afternoon was spent in a state of the studio meeting, carving out short term goals with a few darts thrown in the virtual distance for good measure. As the work whistle blew, I was given a schedule for the next week with a handle on how to…
pin I didn’t take many photos yesterday, but this one emerged from a set I’m using for interface elements. The holiday weekend ended and I stepped back onto the fast train that is work. Good news is that I feel motivated and energized. Bad news is that I still haven’t sorted through vacation photos. All…
a little fall cleaning
I am not this organized [ + zoom to read the labels ] It’s not present in this photo, but that blurry span in-between seasons is here. A day that starts off dreadful and muggy ends up cool with loops of crickets lifted on the breeze through open windows. The colors are changing too, like…
Tom’s handiwork There are so many “films” laying around the studio that haven’t been filed away proper. This particular one, from a print job for a CD jacket/invite, always catches my eye. Lots of activity in the studio today. As I wrestle to get perspective and step outside of my comfort zone with pixels, there’s…
ink, part 2
Fret not, they don’t dry out when exposed to air The short work week will get shorter as I head south for a wedding tomorrow. On the work front, we’ve had some issues with the inkjet printer that makes transparencies for films. That solved, now the thermometer on the dryer is pitching fits. (insert image…
pattern control
buttons! knobs! This week has been jam packed. Wednesday, a mini-marathon of a meeting – getting to know the development team behind a new project. The image above is part of a tour of the facilities and bears some relevance to the order of the day as expectations and outcomes are considered. There’s no way…
Something that is not a t-shirt (or a dozen roses) I had the luck to “beta-test” the latest Wire & Twine creation this past weekend. It’s called the Momergency Kit and it contains a whole bunch of stuff I never have on hand, a booklet with ideas on how to use said stuff, and a…
in a row (sorry, couldn’t resist) Woke up about the time a rooster would, trying to look proper for a meeting this morning. Been a long time since I had to give a bit of background about what I’ve done professionally, discussing experience and process. Though I was flighty, muttered, and waved my hands too…
new gal at the office
Honestly, every time I round the corner, she startles me Thanks ma (who works at an antique store) for finding this specimen for the studio. Current music: Little River Band “Lady”
Neigh Moo Oink Cluck
Yay Though not the first print from the screen printing set-up, today was the most successful. So many variables: applying screen block, registration, viscosity of ink, and getting the curing temperature to 320° without any scorching. By mid-morning we were throwing whatever we could on the press to see what took. Seemed to work just…