ink, part 2

Fret not, they don’t dry out when exposed to air

The short work week will get shorter as I head south for a wedding tomorrow.

On the work front, we’ve had some issues with the inkjet printer that makes transparencies for films. That solved, now the thermometer on the dryer is pitching fits.

(insert image of boat that springs another leak as a previous one is stopped)

The good thing is that we’ve got a new pair of hands and eyes for the summer – and that has been fantastic as we gear up for some stuff in the works.

I was going to wrap this up with some random links, but I don’t have my editorial cap handy. There’s lots of recent surfing recorded here iff’n you’re bored.

Previously: Ink (November 2005)

Current music: Growing “Fancy Period”


  1. Hey – would you be willing to share anything you’ve learned from wrestling with the inkjet printer to create transparencies?
    recommended printer models, suggestions, etc.
    in all your spare time of course.

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