Category: Work

  • Funky day

    What can’t we tell the whole class? Went up to Columbus with Heather for a potentially confrontational meeting with a client. We decided on the way up that we need to really sit down and think about this whole business thing. We’re having these midlife-deliberations while the country is in crisis. Jobs are hard to…

  • One flew over the cuckoos desk

    I can make this desk even messier… Kind of a blah day. Another drizzly gray one. I got short with Heather about nothing in particular at work and she put my in my place, as only good strong willed folk can do. Luckily, we found some levity by getting startled by an errant bird that…

  • Meetings Meetings Meetings

    In between meetings… Gray and drizzly day. Starting to feel like London or Seattle here. Today was a day of meetings with the Cincinnati Arts Association. We launched a new website for them in January. Now that the dust has settled, it is time to update content for the new seasons and enhance forms and…

  • My desk is a mess.

    My desk is a mess.

    So another fine day. How wonderful. I started by going around the city, taking more pictures, checking out the History Museum and had lunch in Covington. I finally checked my voicemail on the mobile phone and I had six messages starting from about a week ago. I’m not real good with voicemail. The best news…

  • Back in the chain gang

    Back in the chain gang

    Coming back into work was easy. The studio is still having heating/cooling issues. It’s always the opposite of pleasant here. Sweatbox or icebox. I’ll be happier when summer is here and we’ll have more control over it with the AC units. Dave, being true to his word, is getting ready to take some time off.…

  • Rest Area

    Rest Area

    I spent most of the night fretting over a meeting I had today with a real estate company about their website. IT said they could handle the “graphics” in a previous meeting and were questioning our involvement. It got me flustered. I had every intention, if there were any hard feelings at the meeting, to…

  • I dig my job

    So it’s 3:33am, and I’m just wrapping up little details on a site we’re launching this week at work. I could blather on about how I loathe working this late… but honestly, I feel like an elf (albeit a tall one) gettin stuff ready for happy recipients. I dig my job.

  • The beard intimidation factor

    So I drove up to Columbus Ohio with a colleague for a meeting today, and it was prefaced that I was to lock horns with the IT guy. I’m not much for prefacing a meeting with someone with hearsay – so I just tried to make sure our ducks were in a row and I…