Category: Movies

  • I heart Lily Tomlin

    But I don’t necessarily ♥ Huckabees Movie with mom and brother this afternoon. Stale popcorn at the Esquire and a film that generally left me wanting. I won’t say this flick is bad, but it certainly doesn’t require the big screen to be appreciated. The graphic treatment of the posters and trailer sold me. But…

  • A Dirty Shame

    I was really hoping for a warranted NC-17 rating… A Dirty Shame made me laugh. A lot.

  • Shaun of the Dead

    Personally, I would’ve kept Prince’s Batman soundtrack Shaun of the Dead was sweet and gorey. And not sweet like in the new-fangled ‘rad’ kinda way, but in the romantic sense. Well, maybe not romantic, but earnest. The photo above was when the two leads discover they have zombies to contend with. They sort through albums…

  • Shrek 2

    Kitties always win Awww Hooray for dollar theaters. One just opened up the road from me and I sucked my brother into seeing Shrek 2. Dreamworks may lack the originality of Pixar, but they make an enjoyable ride nonetheless. And for a buck? Worth every penny. Hell, I might even go so far as shelling…

  • Garden State

    This is not a period, it is an elipsis… When I catch myself as the sun goes down, wondering how I’ll make the evening pass, I’ll often consider the movie listings. It’s a hike for the noggin. This spontaneity bodes poorly for company, but it allows me to be consistent. I’m an awful planner. I’ve…

  • A Home at the End of the World

    Glad I’m down the street from the independent movie theater I took a long lunch to go see A Home at the End of the World with my brother. I had read Michael Cunningham’s book a while back and was enamored by the beginning, left a bit empty by the ending. The movie was better…

  • Napoleon Dynamite

    Reason #12 to Believe: Chatting online with babes I officially notched my 10,000th photo off the camera while sitting in the theater watching Napoleon Dynamite with my mom tonight. I spent a good part of the film hoping Napoleon would shake off his doldrums and open his eyes (always squinting, he)… but it ramped up…

  • Two things that are ass

    … 1.) The new Pontiac Aztek BMW X3. 2.) The Village.

  • I like Doggie Chow too!

    Thanks, it’s Versase July 19, 2004 – My final night out West and we had a leg of lamb eaten and an evening to entertain ourselves. Showgirls non-VIP edition DVD would do just fine. Somehow I’d missed it back in 1995. That’s easy enough to know why, I had gotten my first job out of…

  • Cell phone ringers are better than this

    I’m trying to be nice. I’d just like to introduce the lady whose youngest added to the misery of Spiderman 2. This kid screamed “MAMA” the ENTIRE time. Okay, not the ENTIRE time, but most of it– until the attendants came in and told her to take the toddler outside. Then there were the screams…