Category: Miscellaneous

  • Fall

    I’m finding myself driving around, looking for oranges and reds. Yellows don’t seem to draw me as much

  • How to catch a mouse without a mousetrap

    Humanely I had a little friend visit my apartment the other week, and for a while there I was ready to make peace with him and co-exist. But after I cleaned up the place and ordered pizza one night, and it crawled up the side of my chair onto the sleeve of my shirt, I…

  • Parenthetical miscellany

    Caption unavailable—but I don’t think this is called cross stitch Few clicks of the shutter today. What was taken, was for another outlet (work). And to that end, it was a good day, with productive ideation and the arrival of some schwag (not the kind you smoke). — Since it was the end of the…

  • Rain

    and more rain The remnants of Katrina descended on (or is that upon?) Cincinnati, and continues to fall steadily. I’d not be surprised if we see some flooding from the downpour. Though it wasn’t the best evening to drive around and lug heavy things, I sorely needed to do laundry. My last pair of shorts…

  • Pizza

    Hand painted stools Today I took a few initial photos for a web project that just fell into my lap. Aside from that, I’m cramming here trying to get ducks in a row so I can get outta dodge for a long weekend. I barely have time to post, but once you skip a day…

  • Kitty cats

    Damn screen door On Sunday I left the dogs behind, to hang out with other cats.

  • How to kill a fly without a flyswatter

    In three easy steps 1.) Position your hands a few inches above the fly as if you were about to clap.2.) Clap.3.) Wash hands.

  • Master Blaster

    East Walnut Hills Today I printed out stuff for work and was called Super-Chris by a two year old. That was pretty much the highlight. The photo was just something I caught along the way.

  • Storm approaches

    The sunny weekend is over

  • Skipped

    12 + It’s been a slow week for photos. I’m still taking them daily, but when it comes to putting them online and jotting down some sense of the day, I’ve been floundering. In lieu of catching up, here’s some stuff I can take out of the queue. Continue reading/view 13 unused photos.