12 +
It’s been a slow week for photos. I’m still taking them daily, but when it comes to putting them online and jotting down some sense of the day, I’ve been floundering. In lieu of catching up, here’s some stuff I can take out of the queue. Continue reading/view 13 unused photos.
Against the Ropes
I acceidentally caught this tragic movie (on cable) back in March. Meg Ryan slurs her way through plastic surgery and falls in and out of her accent. Disturbing. Three thumbs down. (movie info)
Confessions of an American Girl
Same day (must’ve been cold, gray or both) I sat through this flick and it kept my attention about a girl who lived in a trailer and got pregnant. On a family trip to the slammer to hang with their pops, her brother makes out with an inmate. That might’ve been the highlight. (movie info)
The pink ladies
Outside the Men’s Chorus show back in April, I caught these happy ladies before a meal at Carol’s.
I thought these tic tacs looked neat in May
I didn’t have the heart to post this one. I was at the adult store with a friend. Really.
Driving around with my brother, I pulled over to snap this. “Why?” he asked.
I didn’t have a good reason.
Chicago airport
Leaving the city after a fine weekend.
Someone came up to the site while I was putting drygoods up on tree branches. He said I must know a thing or two about camping. They weren’t airtight bags. I was probably attracting woodland creatures.
I thought these flowers were nice lookin
I missed a fella’s birthday. He’s a painter, often of meats.
This photo is a reminder I need to get him a belated something.
No flash please
A week ago having a drink, a rowdy friend Heather borrowed my camera.
I’ve got about 7 groups of photos I’ve yet to crop and post from the radio station
My favorite photo from the Northside July 4th Parade
For some reason I went with the Lawnchair Ladies.
4 responses to “Skipped”
I like the ‘Buckwood’ photo. It has a really nice atmosphere. Looking forward to going camping this summer, too.
Cool site! I like the Elmo picture.
What’s the name of the meat artist? Totally love his work and would like to look into more of it.
Thanks J and Sebastian…
As for the meat painter Half Mad, his name is John Wolfer. Drop me a line with your email and I’ll send you his.