an odd crop to remove the subject matter
A few more minutes and my film should be processed at the photo lab.
Ayup. I got my dad’s old Canon AE-1 fired up this weekend and man was it buttery. Small footprint. Sweet focus and metering. And the sound of the shutter was tight and quick.
A couple habits kept me from being completely natural with it:
– I kept forgetting to advance the film.
– After a few snapshots I’d look at the back of the camera hoping to see a preview.
– This waiting for developing is nerve-wracking.
Current music: Liam Finn “Better to Be”
I love my AE-1. I just hate how I sometimes (rarely) forget to set the ISO after loading new film. Just this weekend I thought I was shooting Superia ISO 100, but when I opened the camera up it turned out I was shooting Neopan ISO 1600. Completely screwed that roll up.
I’m thinking on getting one, and that’s the camera I recommend to everyone who asks me what’s the best camera to start learning photography. Hope to see some of your shots.
Before I went digital, hubby-the-great-photographer decided to take me to the kite festival in Berkeley for a shoot-off against his film Nikon. I used my Dad’s old AE-1. I lugged around a 1950’s-era tripod and heavy camera in the freezing wind for 4 hours. Only to discover at the bar later that hubby forgot to put any film in it.