Little Miss Sunshine

clouds, as seen in the parking lot across the street from the theater

Sneak preview passes for Little Miss Sunshine at the Esquire tonight…

Finally, summer yields a flick that pulls all the right strings (at least for me).

A hat tip to Amy and Bryan for making it happen.

Good post-movie conversation over a few beers – talking about stuff like how technology can mask a weak point (and not just in movies, but in everything from photography to music to websites). And conversely, how craft can sometimes elevate even the thinnest premise.

Back to the film, it was just lovely. I snorted, smiled, and enjoyed looking at the normal prettiness of it all.


  1. Hey there. I found your site through Joe My God. Really enjoy it! You ahve some fantastic stuff on here and I plan on wasting much of my day in finding out more about you, your work, and your perspectives. Hope this finds you happy and well and enjoying the day…

  2. Hey, hadn’t heard of that movie before. Looks good, and the music sounds good too. Now I’ll just have to wait another month until they release it in the UK. *sigh*
    I read on Wikipedia they used 5 identical VW type 2s while filming. Sooo unfair, I don’t even have 1.

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