IKEA Cincinnati, and other local links

Skyline as seen from City View Tavern in Mt. Adams. Had drinks there this past Saturday, specifically: The Poor Man’s Corona (Miller High Life Light with Lime, only 2 bucks)

Real quick, some stuff for Cincinnatians:

IKEA picks West Chester – Finally, we don’t have to drive to PA or IL to furnish cheaply.

Alchemize moving to Northside – The bar with good taste in music but an unfortunate location moves to the my neighborhood.

Eminent domain abused – This could help folks all around the country, but an Ohio Supreme Court ruling says cities cannot take property by eminent domain and give it to a private developer. Sure Crate & Barrel is nice, but so are peoples’ homes.

Midwest Culinary Institute – Offering reasonable cooking classes.

Dim Sum places in Cincinnati – not many to pick from, but certainly something I’d like to try here.

Lastly, Bengals have sold out all home games, and I still haven’t been in the new stadium.