dis-pwned pony

Done with Pegasus, seen in a downtrodden Dayton alley

This entry isn’t about a discarded vinyl toy.

It isn’t about a fresh (and redrawn) reprint of my Tim Gunn “Make It Work” shirt. (Which by the way, you can try and snag for free on Joe My God’s Swag Tuesday, simply leave a comment with your email address.)

No, what currently is on my mind is that I want to go see that bodies exhibit, but word on the street is that there is a four hour wait to get in the Cincinnati Museum Center . This is exactly the reason why I did not make it through the Martha Stewart Apprentice try outs.

Long lines are a great travesty on the world. They impede productivity and spoil moods.

Wouldn’t a system like a movie theater work? Let X number of people in at a certain time, sell tickets according to schedule and capacity. I suppose this doesn’t maximize profits, but I’m just trying to think about the children—and my short fuse for long lines.

(insert grumble)

Maybe I should have written about the little pony.

Current music: Malcolm McLaren “Ride A Fashion Horse Part 1”


  1. Hey, I just had to comment on the Breeder’s photos and didn’t know where it would be appropriate. Awesome photos. I especially like the one at Gem City.
    It looks like I’ll get to see them again in Dallas in a few months. The first show I saw them at was 1994 in Baton Rouge with Jon Spencer Blues Explosion as the opener. It was great, but I had to wait to hear “Drivin on 9” live at Lollapalooza that summer.
    I’m stoked about the album in April. Did they agree to getting you an advanced copy?

  2. I’ve only heard SIDE A Rueben, and it is very likely my favorite Breeders album of all time.
    It’s a mix of up and down tempo numbers. Super moody. Good good good.
    I can’t wait to get a copy proper.

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