Local pizza

Marion’s South

I finally stepped foot in a Marion’s Pizza last night. It’s a local pie chain in Dayton. They battle it out with a joint called Cassanos for the title of Best.

Down in Cincinnati, this crown would likely be won by LaRosas for sheer scale. Even in my home town growing up, we had two places to go out for dinner: LaRosas or Big Boy. This number of restaurants was matched by the number of stoplights.

Either here or there, I’m partial to Dewey’s myself, but I think I’m swayed by their salads.

So Marions… the pizza was better than good, atmosphere dandy, and company excellent.

Bonus: bumping into this cat and his family. They were there to celebrate his son’s birthday I do believe. I could not take my eyes off the gift on the table: a case of Star Wars figures in excellent condition, passed down through generation. This is the type of “mint in box” I place the utmost value.

Current music: Mark Mothersbaugh “Granny’s Last Solo Trip To The Grocery”


  1. For Cincy, I’d say Adriatico’s and Ramundo’s take the Best title. We should grab a slice when you’re down here sometime.

  2. Hi Chris – I’m originally from Loveland, but living down in Knoxville now. Your comment about LaRosa’s and Big Boy really hit home. I never thought I’d see the day when I actually missed the shaved ice in a Big Boy coke, or a LaRosa’s antipasto.

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