for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Yesterday was pretty jam packed. Along with the movie about the font, I got to see good friend Anne for the first time in what seems like ages. She’s been busy.
I’ll see her again tonight at the Light the Night Walk for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society down at Sawyer Point in Cincinnati.
This isn’t for awareness.
Everyone is aware of Cancer. It sucks tremendously .
This walk is to pay tribute to those we’ve lost and give hope to those fighting it.
Me? I’m hoping that we figure out a little more about why it happens, how we may prevent it, and if not a cure, at least a way to get a handle on how to treat it.
If you are planning to attend tonight, say howdy—I’m easy to spot. If not, consider a donation—here’s my page if you’d like to donate online. If you can’t make it or contribute, that’s okay too… Maybe you know someone who’s been hurt by Cancer, in the past or right this moment. Don’t simply put them in your thoughts—get in touch: Send a card. Drop an email. Make the phone ring. Give a hug. Anything. Really. It helps.
Thanks for doing this Chris. Both my Dad and Stepmom had cancer a few years back and it was an eye opener for me to watch what they went through. I appreciate the realism in your sentiment above. Enjoy the walk!