trumpet city

Behind the red couch on a snow day [ + zoom out ]

Ice spittle hit the windows for hours yesterday. Sounded like a rainstick with no end.

Good day for grilled cheese and soup.

Dan has a super important interview this week. So instead of practicing in his studio, he came out to the living room and performed his entire recital sans accompaniment.

So while I worked through emails and HTML, I got a free concert.

An audio clip [ MP3 3.5 MB ] Hummel Trumpet Concerto

Snow came overnight and added a few inches to the ground, and we don’t have sleds.

Current music: Dan practicing recital “Hummel Trumpet Concerto”

2 responses to “trumpet city”

  1. raybob Avatar

    I just did a gig with Apollo’s Fire in Cleveland – Handel’s Dixit Dominus and Water Music and Music for the Royal Fireworks. Three natural trumpets and two natural horns, one from Columbus. Fantastic. The principal trumpet gave a lecture at Case Western on historic instruments – fascinating. He had instruments from about 1800 on with him, and copies of earlier brass, including a copy of the coiled trumpet that’s in the Trumpet museum at Bad-Saeckingen, Germany.
    I stayed in a house with the first and second trumpets – this clip sounded like much of my days, hearing trumpet excerpts and having to imagine the rest. I can still hear the entire trumpet part to “The Trumpet shall Sound” from Messiah – I stayed in the same house in December while we were doing Messiah in Cleveland.

  2. John Avatar

    the link for the sound file doesn’t work. 🙁