Furniture Blow-out Sale!

It’s Friday, I’m having tea, sadly not this simple ginger tea

Blow-out links to wrap up the snowless week:

Grandaddy FTP – Music, videos, rarities. A fan of Grandaddy? Go. Long live the legacy.

Digital SLR cameras: What to get, how to use them, examples, and more, much more – An amazing and thorough resource that would be helpful for those looking to get a digital SLR, or me, trying to use one.

What Does 200 Calories Look Like? Well, here’s a gallery to show you just that. Well done (via SwissMiss)

I did not know that yesterday! – A blog about things unknown, then researched. (via Yewknee)

Lines From Alanis Morissette’s “Ironic,” Modified to Actually Make them Ironic – An old man turned ninety-eight. He won the lottery and died the next day… of chronic emphysema from inhalation of the latex particles scratched off decades’ worth of lottery tickets. (via linkfilter)

Mike Watt Guests on Kelly Clarkson Record. Works for me. (thx johnny)

JesusPets is assembling a community of heathen pet-lovers to care for pets that are ‘left-behind.’ We are coordinating with feed mills and kennels in preparation for your post-apocalyptic pet care needs. (thx rachel)

Current music: Grandaddy “Street Bunny (BBC session)”


  1. Jesus Pets! Love it!!!! Must send it to my sister-in-law, the Presbyterian minister!! What a hoot. I especially like the part about rebuilding the world after the Fundementalists are swept up in the Rapture! This can only mean more parking spaces for the rest of us.
    Will Jesus Pets feed my cats while I’m in Cincinnati, since I’m an Episcopalian and a liberal Democrat – and my soul is damned anyway?

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