Clubhouse Games

A must have for Nintendo DS folk who like cards and stuff

Since the sheen of the New Super Mario Bros. has faded a tiny bit, and until the Wii comes out – there is Clubhouse Games to fill my gaming needs.

Over 40 games packed in this breath strip sized cartridge: From Old Maid, Spit, Hearts, Rummy, Texas Hold ‘Em, Spades, Five Card Draw, Solitaire, MajJong, Checkers, Chess, Dominoes, all the way off the table to bowling, billiards and darts.

And there’s more.

A “stamp” mode allows you to play against the computer and not only learn games (all the rules are included onscreen) like Contract Bridge (I still don’t get it), but you unlock a few other gems. Trying to figure out Shogi (Japanese Chess, pictured above) is a bit of a challenge, but a fun one.

On top of all that, most of the games are Wi-Fi playable (though I’ve yet to try that out).

If Canasta was included, I might not be writing this product endorsement (I’d be busy playing it).


  1. I highly value your opinion on these DS games. I have seen your previous VG history and you and I seem to be birds of a feather. I quickly turned around and added it to my WishList on Amazon. I can’t wait for Xmas. It’s filled with your DS recommendations. w00t. You should share your WiFi name so we can find you some time and play Mah Jong. I’m an old jewish woman in the body of a Cuban male. Go figure.

  2. I really love the personal blog posts (as opposed to the gamer-centric coverage) that the DS gets. We got my 4 year old a DS for a long trip recently and I couldn’t stop thinking how cool it was. Now I’ve got one on my Xmas list…
    So thanks for sharing your thoughts – it’s nice to see another adult’s thoughts on these fun time-wasters.

  3. Great, another reason for me to break down and buy a DS. Of course, all resistance will fail when Final Fantasy III and Phantom Hourglass come out. Sigh.
    But I’ve seen your previous post about The New Super Mario Bros and I was tempted to get one right then and there. Any other game recommendations, or for that matter, would you recommend getting a DS Lite in general?
    P.S. Please just say “yes” because I’m only looking for an enabler.

  4. I’m not sure how your day is structured Eamonn, but if you find yourself with a slice of freetime here and there, in waiting rooms, commuting, or the like, you’ll enjoy a DS.
    The great thing about the DS is the ability to simply close it, mid-game, and resume next time you have a chance.
    I quite enjoy :
    Tetris : quite fun with 1 or 2 folks
    Boggle : comes with 3 other games like Monopoly
    Mario v. Donkey Kong 2 : Lemming-like puzzles using a stylus
    Super Mario Kart DS : always fun
    The Brain Age games are great for casual thinking.
    And a new Zelda is right around the corner!

  5. Oh, trust me I have ample time what with several hour breaks between classes in addition to a couresload that’s pretty lax. I usually spend that time wishing I was doing something more productive so I’d say the DS would clear that up. 🙂
    But yeah, the card and boardgame ones look like they have a lot of replay value, and there are a load of Mario games which look pretty sweet. I’m eager to revisit Mario64 even though I played the hell out of it back on the N64, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about Mario Kart.
    But in all honnesty I’d say that the Wii is a higher priority right now. And from what I’ve heard, that version of Zelda is going to keep me busy for a long time.
    Thanks for the tips and have fun with the gaming.

  6. Man..I didn’t know this had Shogi on it. I’ve been trying to learn how to play, and having this would be an awesome aid! Thanks for the tip bro!

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