Dinner Club: Latitudes

In charming historic Milford, OH

The monthly get-together was at a tapas joint on the other side of town. Good times, good food.

And now for some random thoughts and links:

Mike Wallace is 87 years old.

Thanks to my trip to Lexington, I’ve learned a new phrase—”Hot messDefinitions vary.

Movie quote that stuck: “I’d much rather be happy than right.” taken from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Which I sorta watched, but had my laptop open. I’ve since realized that’s why I like going to the movies proper… I can focus. I’d like to see this flick again without distraction.

Unicorns LA, is likely the best music video I’ve seen in a while. (QuickTime)

Jesus is Magic Soundboard — Sarah Silverman’s movie opens November 11th in select theaters… I hope it comes here. (Flash)

Battlestar Galactica — Back when Legos were not big molded parts that formed 1/4 of the object.

FlapArt — Fool strangers. Cover your book with jackets like “The Nutritional Benifits of Nose Picking”

Gay fabric of the month

Sno-bo — a heartwarming winter animated tale (QuickTime)

What I want for the back of my car — a programmable LED message board. The Hummer I could do without.


  1. Man…
    I love your whole website… everything… Its just the best!! Its given me some ideas for my own… hope you don’t mind some creative piracy… 😉 with full kudos to you always!!
    Now i have discovered this site.. its gonna be on my regular reading list!!
    Keep it going!
    Jez Arnold

  2. I always wanted an LED display for the rear window of my car, if only to display the lyrics of the song I was listening to at the time.

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