Autumn, extended

Looking out a friend’s window

They (being those pesky weathermen) keep saying it’s going to get cold yesterday. But the unusually warm weather keeps hanging on, and I’m fine with that.

PhotosS’more photos (leaves and more leaves)


  1. I love it when you walk on fallen leaves and they make that crackling sound (like you’re walking on corn flakes or something… might not be new or absolutely amazing to a lot of people, but I never had that stuff where I grew up.) As of late, and in Ames, Iowa, we’ve had a little drizzle here and there. It’s nice, but the leaves get all wet and it’s not as much fun.
    I realize I’m not going anywhere with that (and am beginning to sound retarded), so I take a small bow and stop here 🙂 Oh and wonderful pictures as always!

  2. When I was in about 5th grade in Florida, my Cincinnati grandmother sent me a box of Fall leaves. Your photos have brought back the wonder of opening that box.

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