Get along

Skyla the pup, my brother and nephew

The day after my father died, there was some laughter between hugs and moments when one could catch myself or any of my siblings staring off into space.

My nephew brought over their new pug.

Death becomes distant when seeing a new life. Whether pet or child.

Aside from the flurry of activity brought on by the dog, though blurry might be a more appropriate term—this little one is fast…

I pondered.

My brothers and sis, we’re all cut from similar cloth, but we’re each very different in what becomes our defining characteristics.

Bob and his nurture and organizational zeal.

Tom with humor and strength.

My sister the emotional core.

And me? Aloof but bright? Perhaps.

We overlap though, one picks up when the other’s not there. When all’s said and done, we get along. And I’m real thankful for that.


  1. What this particular entry was all about? Or the site in general? I’ll go with the former…
    Well, it was a sad day. My father had passed and my family was regrouping at my sister’s house to get things in order. Even though it was a heavy day, we were glad to be together, and that’s what I was hoping to convey in my words.
    I’m not always successful. So much happens, it’s hard to cram it all in.

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