The fire dept was able to make the parade, this after the countless calls they had last night, blaring their sirens out my window.
Art and I crawled up on the roof last night to see the fireworks off in the distance of every direction. Seems that firecrackers sold on the sides of the interstate are approaching professional quality. Scary stuff, but pretty. Luckily we were safe from any stray ones gone wonky.
I’m not sure if it was a twinge of patriotism or simple celebration that got me wistful. At one moment though, that moment of pride vanished. I wondered if this is what the skies look like in Iraq.
Art left early this afternoon before the route for the parade would prevent his escape from Northside.
I went up to my mom’s house, located right at the beginning of the spectacle. My sis, niece, brother, grandmother and mom sat on the porch enjoying the breeze and lemonade.
Old favorites like the Ladies Auxiliary Lawnchair brigade and the Men’s Drill Team were present, along with a VERY large group of Republicans for Kerry.
I’ve not seen such a political bent against a President in my lifetime, Clinton’s ridiculous impeachment attempt aside.
A big grillout with all the expected fixins was had. One sole tomato from the garden was ripe and we divvied up slices. It was delicious.
My stomachs full again, now that I’ve finished off a plate of leftovers.