
Not everyday you see a big shuttlecock

So Art was able to wrestle Friday off from work and we spent the day going around and seeing parts of Kansas City I hadn’t visited prior.

We started off at the Crowne Center, a shopping propaganda by Hallmark. It’s pretty phenomenal, how they tie together all their wholesome properties in this retail experience. They had an “exhibit” of what people like to collect, near the foodcourt: movie action figures, autographs, fisher price toys (cool), various sports memorabilia, Bloom County stuff, John Deere logos, yada x 3.

It was sorta sad, and I’m sure when Art had his TV lamps in there last year, the show was much more interesting. It wasn’t sad because of what people collected, it was more the presentation. It just seemed like a thrift store more than anything else.

After the tastiest Banana ice cream I’ve had in ages, we went over to the The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art to stroll around.

A trip to the record store, a mexican joint for dinner and the country bar that night rounded out the day.

by Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen