30 some odd days with the iPhone

ack ack ack

I figured I’d use the new Apple device a while before piecing together my thoughts. Up front: this is my 2nd unit. The first one didn’t like getting coverage. I took it to the Apple store and they replaced it on the spot with one that works quite well. Reception has been very good.

Now that I’ve kicked it around over a month, I can say with some confidence (as I have in comments before), if I had to choose between my laptop and this phone, I’d probably go with the phone and start designing on paper. Note: if I ever used a Blackberry or similar device, I might say the same thing. Not likely, but possible.

Some quick backstory: When the iPhone was announced, my current mobile phone was dying. I intentionally got the cheapest one without re-upping my T-mobile contract and marked my calendar for the day I could have a single device to charge—a device that would be a music player, capable of texting, web browser, email client, and no less important—a calendar.

Having videos and photos was a bonus, and man the screen makes em look great. The days of tiny photos yellowing in wallets are numbered. This makes sharing fantastic. This doesn’t come without irks. I don’t use iPhoto and it’s a small pain to manage sets of photos there. I’d rather point to a folder on my drive.

Same for events. I like Google Calendar so there are hurdles to make everything appear on both—hurdles so high I’ve given up on the former and begrudgingly use iCal.

Those and minor quirks aside, I am smitten.

So much I wish the next version of OSX took cues from the interface and stopped with the transparency of the menubar and weird 3D dock thing.

Other bits:

I don’t have to open my laptop at home as much. It’s hard enough separating work from life. This helps.

I now have a clock that has more than two alarms. (for me, this is a small blessing)

Pooping got hella productive / entertaining.

Time wasted with Flash is pleasantly shortened. (Though I do wish I could access Vimeo on it)

I vote for my favorite dancers on So You Think You Can Dance (even though this season is lackluster) because dialing is fun. Yep, dialing a phone number… fun.

Maps? Awesome. Calculator? Handy. Visual voice mail? Nice.

It’s a great flashlight. Easily 60% brighter than my last mobile phone.

So all in all, happy camper here—one that is grateful to have such a thing. Maybe when I get another chance, I’ll talk about the fun standing in line and seeing old friends happenstance when the thing launched. Until then, some goodies:

Download some iPhone Wallpapers I made

Looking for more wallpapers and ideas?
Airbag Industries iPhone candy
Trapped – Joshua Blankenkship and friends make good fun with their contact photos
Iconfactory has made all their sets iPhone friendly
Garret Murray over at Maniacal Rage has lots too
The Flickr iPhone Wallpaper pool

Current music: Headphones “Hello Operator”

16 responses to “30 some odd days with the iPhone”

  1. Brian Avatar

    Cool – here are some more iPhone Wallpapers – http://www.iPhoneAtmo.com/

  2. Fred Avatar

    Hi Chris,
    I too am in love with my Iphone, so this is one of my favorite posts ever!
    I went to all the different Iphone wallpaper links you put up and loved seeing all the creative ideas.
    Yours are some of my favorites.
    Think I’ll make some of my own and see what I can come up with.

  3. Nik Avatar

    I’m completely in love with that little red car wallpaper… amazing work! 😀

  4. MergeMedia Avatar

    I really like the ‘Mars Attacks’ Wallpaper. ARK ARK ARK .. DONT RUN!
    I made about 100 iPhone Wallpapers with photoshop too. If you want to check them out, they’re all free also.

  5. Raybob Avatar

    Ack. Ack, Ack!

  6. Bryan Jay Avatar
    Bryan Jay

    Ummm…. it also makes my pooping way more productive and entertaining. If people only knew I was replying to their email from the loo.

  7. Alexandra Belo Avatar

    Hi Chris,
    So gorgeous!!! I’m crazy, I’m living in Europe and there’s no Iphone here.

  8. howthatdo Avatar

    Have you tried Spanning Sync to keep your Google calendar in sync with iCal? I’ve been meaning to try it and have heard good things:

  9. Chris Avatar

    I hope Europe gets them soon Alexandra, and howthatdo, I really need to make the plub on spanningsync, but I’m trying to hold out til that next Apple OS comes out. I forget which kitty this one is named after, but I’m hoping for open calendar data and integrated To-Dos..
    (fingers crossed)

  10. scralpha Avatar

    I use Spanning Sync to keep my Google Calendars synced with iCal on 2 Macs and (consequently) my iPhone. It works flawlessly and invisibly for me after getting it set up.

  11. sean Avatar

    i too love my iphone and i see you’ve got the case i want. you’re obviously a man of taste and distinction. oh great..spanning sync another 25 bucks a year…..when does it end?!?!
    have a great vacation sir!

  12. kyle Avatar

    love your case, where did you get it?

  13. Chris Avatar

    To Kyle
    MY CASE:
    I bought it at the AT&T store.
    It impedes the keyboard a bit, but I got used to that.
    Unlike some of the rubberized cases, this one doesn’t collect dust that scratches the chrome.
    Also gets worn/dirty quickly.
    I kinda like that aspect. Takes the bling factor down.

  14. Free iPhone wallpapers Avatar

    More cool and free iPhone wallpapers – http://igadgetszone.com/

  15. createmo Avatar

    Thank you for your site 😉
    I made with photoshop backgrounds for myspace or youtube and even more
    my backgrounds:http://tinyurl.com/5ajonc
    all the best and thank you again!

  16. aFree4U Avatar

    I really like the one with the car, I’m using it now 🙂