
Hamilton, Ohio [ + ]

Took this single photo today leaving Goodwill. Next time I’m going in Jolly’s for the homemade root beer.

I went in to the thrift store hoping to find a big mirror and walked out with 4 fewer bucks in the wallet and a feeling of accomplishment. Not often things pan out like that.

Visual inspiration to round out the day:

Jen Stark makes awesome things out of cut paper (via)

t-shirts i have known : More awesome. Be sure to click around Wil Freeborn’s blog. Quite dig his style. (via)

The Busy Life : Naz and Jen collaborate and the results feel like home.

Uniforms Self-portraits: My 39 Years : Mine would have a lot of corduroy and plaid. (via)

The Wurstminster Dog Show : Artists + Dogs = Another fine show from this Oregon gallery. (via)

Current music: Beirut “Carousels” on WOXY


  1. So where is this? I pass through Hamilton often enough for work and think I might enjoy stopping by for lunch.

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