8 word reviews for the movies I consumed in 2008

In alphabetical order

I haven’t been writing these down even though I seem to average 2 a month, which is entirely possible because I don’t have kids or the wherewithal to learn CSS. Oh, and I don’t pick favorites just because.

27 Dresses
It was free on a plane ride. Disposable.

Burn After Reading
Just okay, wanted to like more than did.

City of Ember
Darkly pretty but excruciating journey. For moody tweens.

Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Almost got old,ended on time. Moisturizer reminder.

Ow, my equilibrium. What the? Ow. Huh? What?

The Dark Knight
The opposite of everything that is Spiderman movies.

Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Forgot the movie, yet left no bad aftertaste.

Horton Hears a Who!
Thoroughly enjoyed. I’d imagine Seuss would have too.

Iron Man
Kicked much ass. (and five other awesome words)

Indiana Jones and the Nuclear Fridge
You’re kidding. I hate you. Color me suckered.

Journey to the Center of the Earth
I went for the 3D. It was fine.

Juno (2007)
Precious blessing from Jesus in this garbage dump.


Mamma Mia!
Wasn’t near drunk enough, hated every other scene.

Sadly like now: bad sunglasses and hate laws.

No Country for Old Men
Made me squirm, a lot. Scary done right.

Sex and the City
A long episode. Seemed geared toward primetime. Fine.

Slumdog Millionare
Not a romantic comedy. Something heavier, and poignant.

Speed Racer
Expected visual orgasm, walked out with dull migraine.

Sweeney Todd (2007)
Burton works well here. Soundtrack bests Broadway version.

Synecdoche, New York
Layered. Meaty. Salty. Sometimes painful, like Taco Bell.

There Will Be Blood (2007)
Why do I suffer these assholes and their oil?

Tropic Thunder
Ben Stiller made me laugh. Downey continually impresses.

Want! Oh wait, wanting BAD. But so GOOD!

Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Solid choice for date night. Seth Rogan. Bubbles.

American Teen – Australia – Baby Mama – Be Kind Rewind – Beautiful Losers – Cadillac Records – Charlie Bartlett – Choke – Day the Earth Stood Still – Flash of Genius – Four Christmases – Get Smart – Hamlet 2 – Hancock – High School Musical 3 – Harold and Kumar 2 – Kung Fu Panda – Man on Wire – Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist – Prince Caspian – Quamtum of Solace – Rachel Getting Married – Role Models – Secret Lives of Bees – Smart People – Son of Rambow – Surfwise – W. – The Wrestler


  1. Twilight. You must add Twilight. It’s the tween movie of the year. Book 2 will be on the big screen November of ’09. Books 3 & 4 have already been consumed in our home. I know how you’re interested in tween girlie flicks!

  2. Duly noted Amy. Our friend “The Brown” has been sucked into the Twilight vortex and also gives high praise to the books. So many tween things to keep up on.

  3. This is classic! But did you like or hate Juno? And Wall-E and There Will Be Blood? Your reviews are so poetic I couldn’t figure out where you stood on some of ’em!

  4. Sometimes I’m intentionally vague Beth, but to clear things up on these:
    LOVED Juno. It’s like The Breakfast Club for a whole new generation.
    Also loved WALL-E, but it did give me pause about consumption in my personal life.
    I can’t say I loved THERE WILL BE BLOOD. It was VERY well done. Excellent in every regard, but I simply didn’t like the main character, and I didn’t know what I was supposed to feel after the investment.

  5. haha “The Dark Knight” – the opposite of everything that is spider man movies 🙂 Slum dog millionaire was a very decent movie though.

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