There’s no debating it…

Ike the cat

We’re keeping him.

Dan took the little fella to the vet and he checked out fine save for a few fleas.

He’s got his shots, a sharp looking collar, and a place in our home.

I promise not to make this a cat blog.

Aside: Watched the other debate… I personally felt McCain had few ideas and little tact. With all those years of experience, I’d expect better judgment.

On the other hand, Barack continues to describe values and vision with a strong worldview. I think he’s a top notch candidate.

Current music: Thao & The Get Down, Stay Down “Yes, So On And So On”


  1. Nice job on keeping the cat Chris. My wife brought home a street cat two years ago. The cat was hanging around my wife’s work place for a week my wife fell in love with it. Eventually coming home with the thought the cat was struggling for food and not being loved was too much to bear.
    As for the debate I had the same reaction, but the truth is I’m in the tank for Obama so it’s hard for me to be rational. I thought McCain did fine on the points, but his style was cold and distant. He seemed annoyed the whole time. I mean in a debate you’re playing off the other guy. It’s as much an interpersonal tussle as an informational one.
    I just want Obama to win. I’m not ashamed to admit I might shed a tear or two if we get four more years of dangerous idiocy.

  2. It’s OK if you make it a cat blog, I wouldn’t mind. jk. What a sweet cat! He’s got the coolest green eyes! Enjoy!

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