This afternoon? It went down.

They call me Bunyan [ + zoom ]

Ever heard of Photoshop Tennis? It’s this thing where designers hit a file back and forth, adding, subtracting, and mixing it up. There’s commentary along the way and at the end, a winner is declared.

It’s called Layer Tennis now, because it’s not limited to Photoshop. I figure that’ll make more sense as the tournaments go on and we see different types of matches being played out.

Like tomorrow, it might be a little more twisted than usual—I’m pitted against Naz (see his post about the match) and we’re going to be using photos instead of graphics to throw down on the virtual court.

Read a preview of the match written by Rosecrans Baldwin (he lies) and watch the mayhem.

We got 15 minutes between volleys and man did Spike throw me some curve balls. I threw back. Oh, and you gotta check out the coin toss.

Current music: Animal Collective “Fireworks”


  1. Great match. Your good humor served you well. Very well done.
    Could you post a recap of the match from your perspective? I want a post game presser. You can even resort to jock clichés if you like. Particularly interested in the final shot.

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