down at Coffee Emporium
Every once in a while, good things happen from all these little underlined links.
I could blather about how amazing it is but I’ve never been good blogging about blogging. It’s meta and obtuse and lots of other people can articulate it a heckuva lot better than I could even try.
I will say that there are a few groups of people I know that follow along with the ol’ journal here :
– Folks living in Cincinnati
– Folks that used to live in Cincinnati
– Folks that have never stepped foot in Cincinnati
– Folks that live somewhere else, and
– My mom (Hi!)
Technically my mom falls in two categories, but that is a special deal reserved for her.
Great, now I’ve lost the narrative…
Through a twist of fate, and a link on Dave Purcell’s most excellent Radio Free Newport, I had coffee with Gina, pictured above. She was gathering info on local ‘blogs for an article and had done her research — knowing details about me that I’d forgotten. (mental note: stop sharing things like that body wave I got in middle school with the world)
A chunk of time later and meters expired, we parted ways with that special type of jitter you only get meeting someone neat, and coffee super-loaded with sugar.
Gina falls into that “folks living in Cincinnati” category and thanks to google stalking I can now try and dig up dirt on her. I already have found that she is a hobby quitter.
Current music: The Breeders “Drivin’ on 9”
As a *silly* fan of “the last 10 days” (blame a former Cincinatti-an), I can only shout “hurrah” for twists of fate, random blog find-age and sugar-laden coffee trysts.
Do keep us posted…
my mom sometimes finds out more about me via my blog than when we talk on the phone or send emails. haha.
Is there a localized 9 Rules-ish cabal of Greater Cincinnati bloggers? That might be kind of interesting.
Will do Communicatrix!
We’re in the same boat sorta Drew.
And I think we need to have at least a blogger-night-out Daniel. A 9 Rule-ish type network for Cincy folk would be most excellent though.
I fall into two catagories – folks that have never stepped foot in Cincinnati and folks that live somewhere else. I’ve been reading for a while and particularly like the photos. I just got a dSLR and read a few sites for composition tips and ideas. Yours is one of the best.
As for your ‘listening’ selection for this day — “Drivin’ on 9” is absolutely the best Breeders song.
Your right there are great opportunities but paying for one isn’t the best