letter people

figures created through the use of a single letter in a variety of fonts and typefaces.

The Dayton Visual Arts Center not only has a darn fine logo, they’ve also got a sweet studio and exhibition space in the heart of downtown Dayton.

I went there last night with a couple of folks to check things out and also catch the mini-show of Christina Pereyma – on hand and adding to her display of cheeky woodblock type characters.

Not to be confused with the recently surfaced Typographic pin-up calendar, her work employs a sense of humor that is welcome. I met a handful of folks and circled the snack table. All was good.

Afterward I raided a kitchen for leftovers and then tried out Tony Hawk on the Wii. Jury’s out on that.

Things I learned today:
– Even Amy and Kevin’s leftovers are better than my best cooking. I have to work on that.
– A great title for a painting would be “It Matches Our Couch”
– Beck’s NA tastes pretty darn good.

Current music: Pavement “Type Slowly”