July 15, 2006
I’d say yesterday went without a hitch, but there was a significant one: my nephew married his longtime sweetheart.
And though it was hot (very hot), the skies were blue and sunny – a welcome change from the week of rain preceding the day.
My sister’s backyard looked beautiful, along with the wedding party, friends, and family gathered under the bits of shade afforded by tent or trees.
They had three layers of cake (white chocolate, tiramisu, and strawberry) and I admit trying every variety. More than once. I think I sweat off any calories however, wielding a camera.
There are over 1,000 photos to sort. I have work to do.
were you the photog for their wedding? if so, i’m sure their pictures will be amazing.
hey uncle c. glad you came an thanks for tkain all the pics. your gunna have to email them all to me so i can put them on my computer. love ya an ill see you again sometime soon this summer…
MANY MANY MANY thanks for “EVERYTHING” you did lil brother…..it was a truly @wesome day and barring all the unexpected things, I have been blessed!! Love and kisses ya sis