humidifier control, thermostat, and framed picture of the Margera family

of Viva La Bam fame

The weekend flew by:

CD release party at the Contemporary Arts Center on Friday (Live music, DJ and a little claustrophobic).
Clearance sale at a warehouse Sat. morn (the lines were horrible).
DaVinci Code at midnight (enjoyed).
Then helped out some friends in bits and pieces (as they prepped a house for sale).

Now I want to rid my place of all unecessary things that have piled up over time, and clear the cobwebs.

Spring weather is nice when it doesn’t rain all the time.


  1. ah… you went to the design within reach sale down by the airport? i went once and by the time i waited in the line and made it through the door, everything was gone. with all those people there, i wonder why they havent opened up a real design within reach store in cincinnati.

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