Clever packaging
I keep catching my breath, thinking that I can hear my heart beat out of my chest, but it’s actually the thump thump music from the bar down the way. My thinly paned windows cannot muffle the sound.
These, the windows I will loathe as the bitter cold settles.
I’ve all these photos from the past week or so, or maybe as far back as the week before, that I haven’t posted. I’m not sure anymore. Various levels of production completed: selection, cropping, optimization…
These, the daily bits, while trips reaching back to LAST Thanksgiving linger uncaptioned in virtual limbo.
Taking pictures is easy.
Writing is more complicated.
So I’m playing catch up. Swirling around behind all the things that need checked off, the holidays loom and I see myself getting older. Thinking about stuff, the year, etc. I ponder what next year will bring—and how I’d like to influence situations in a positive manner.
I recently read 10 Things That I Have Learned online and even though it applies to my profession, I started to think of the universal bits embedded. Like quotes or All I really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, ideas whittled to bite-sized chunks that make me nod and silently amen to an extent.
These, the notions that sound really good, but never really stick in practice—and I’m not about to put up an inspirational poster on my wall for reminders.
So through things I sort and sift, wondering if I should get that tattoo of string around my finger to remind me of something I don’t know yet.