The steer survives the wild drag racin.
Another glorious day, but a wee bit hotter. Less crowded, more friendly. Because of the heat, more shirts got taken off. The clumping of hunks amused and irked me a little.
It was easy to put those views behind me standing at the edge of the arena. I spent most of the day watching events and videotaping. Man my dogs were barking. I need better shoes.
After the rodeo let out, I stuck around and enjoyed the evening light while the contestants ran to the beer booths. (They aren’t allowed to drink while participating, thank goodness)
Somewhere along the line, we managed to make dinner plans and a tag-along joined our small party. Not really unwelcome, but odd, very odd. We managed to disturb him with innuendo over dinner (all in jest of course) and parted ways after horrible vittles at Applebees.
Spent a few hours hashing in the hotel. I always enjoy chatting with Harley, a fella who started the online site for getting folks to mingle at the rodeo. He’s one of the most direct and honest fellas I’ve met. There is never enough time for good conversation.
Chatted with Art on the phone a wee bit and figured out some good plans for a November trip.
Headed back to Wicker Park and Sheila was there to greet. She’d be leaving for the east coast for a new job in the a.m., but we managed to stay up for many hours catching up on life. I dig Sheila. She says things that make me feel like the world ain’t bad. Optimistic and excited about life.
A hug before much needed rest, and a promise to return soon.