Gary Larson would be pleased.
Leaving Kansas City was a bit hard. I had a wonderful evening after getting in from St Louis. Did the beer bust (yawn), ate at a great authentic mexican joint (yum) and got to relax afterwords. I had no idea they showed so much male nudity on Oz.
The violence of that show still disturbs me, I have to shy my eyes and mind sometimes.
Early lunch at a great local burger joint afforded me the fuel to press onward. I had reasonable doubt I could make it to Calgary by the weekend. I decided to switch up my route to incorporate a few places I’d never been: the Badlands, Mt Rushmore and Devil’s Tower. All of which I wanted to see (and perhaps I have, but forgotten).
I traveled through Omaha along the border of Nebraska and Iowa, then cut across Sioux Falls, South Dakota and found a rathole motel in Kadoka.
Kadoka, South Dakota?! Say that three times fast.