Signs everywhere

Hathaway Stamp Company

After a week of the doldrums and gray weather, often rain, we’ve been experiencing some mighty fine weather. Damn near perfect.

I had a brief meeting downtown and went back to find Dave ready for lunch at the office. Sandwiches from Gretchen’s Deli at Piatt Park baskin in the sun were tasty.

We stopped by the camera store as I had some slides I need to scan in. 1 buck a slide… not too shabby. This used to be a very expensive process.

I returned to the office and walked back to drop off the slides when they told me I could pick them up on Tuesday. Man, I have no patience. I said, “Whoa.” and thought out loud that a slide scanner might be a better option.

They will have them done tomorrow.

Walking back, I noticed lots of nice old signs all over the place, and I know it’s been done before, but I’ve made a tangent task to snap more up, around town. There’s this Arbys sign out in Beechmont I need to capture before it’s taken away. On that note, there’s a great Big Boy Frisch’s Mainliner near Mariemont I’d like to snap up.