So my friends told me, as soon as i left town, they’d have the baby.
While touring dallas with the bears i get a little vibrate my pocket.
It was true, her water broke, and she was in fine spirits with the epidural. We chatted a few minutes and i immediately warmed with a happy grin. she ended the conversation with, tell those bears that your breeder friends are making more.
Part of our evenin over dinner last week was a bit about the terms, “breeders” and “straights.”
“Is that REALLY how you refer to us?” she asked. And I said it’s more of a joke, just to get a rise. After the novelty wore off, they aren’t terms that have much weight on my world.
In fact, when describing them, no modifiers are needed. They are my friends. Plain and simple.
A check-in at 2am revealed they had a baby girl 🙂
Now to find little tiny flannels and comfortable baby shoes.