
Lookin sorta sharp

I remember reading this article by Ken Rockwell, “Why Your Camera Does Not Matter” and thinking there was some truth to it.

I should take a moment and mention that going without a camera for 25 some odd days was both nice and sad. It was nice to just be in the moment and not worry if I brought along the heavy beast that was my old camera.

It was nice to find new ways to remember things. I paid attention to details. I picked up a pencil more often and used paper. It was refreshing.

At the same time though, my journaling slowed down. Taking photos has been a great and easy way for me to remember and record the day. I tend to limit how much time I spend writing an entry. Having a set of photos to cull from was a great cue.

Aside from all that, I think I’m getting the hang of this new device. I have to be more patient and take time to make sure the settings are adequate. My list of complaints is short, but I can satiate this desire to record life much easier. And this is good.

2 responses to “Elmo”

  1. CM Harrington Avatar

    Well, the theme of that article is true, the fact is, the equipment *does* matter. Photography is both an art and a science. Better glass will give you better sharpness, and fewer chromatic aberrations. Of course, no bit of equipment will help you with composition, and the article tries to articulate this.
    Of course, he could have picked a better analogy than Phil Collins and his “drum sound”. The reality of the situation is that Phil got his “sound” from Peter Gabriel, and hired kit will never sound like “his kit”. Take a look at Sonic Youth.
    Part of their sound comes from the tweaking they’ve done to their instruments —making them unique. A few years back, some of their instruments were stolen, and they said that they’d never be able to play those songs again (at least, not in their original form).
    So yeah, don’t get too caught up in the tool (ahem!).

  2. glass Avatar

    Who me? Never.
    I just want control of the aperture and shutter.