Cheapskate… or disorganized?
I had to have a document printed in a few hours and I had no “regular” paper. The ink jet generally collects dust unless I am printing out a CD cover, label, or a photo on glossy stock. Even when I get directions from Mapquest, I jot them down by hand on the back of a student loan envelope.
I just don’t print that much.
So I X-acto up some notebook paper from a pad and run it through. Blotches appear with streaks until the tension and alignment is properly set.
There’s no time to reprint though, as each page seems to be taking 10 minutes.
Funny how there’s a correlation between need and time. I finally just gave up on pacing and decided to take care of some chores.
The thing finally printed, and holding the ruled paper in my hands I thought, this looks cool.
Maybe not “professional,” but cool.