fancy light up ones at that [ + bigger, uncropped ]
I haven’t posted links in a while
Lenticulations – Animated 3D multiple lens photographs. Quite neato (via)
Network Time Killers – Some well made flash games, I quite enjoy “Play 4”
SketchFighter 4000 – Speaking of games, if you have a Mac and like shooters, you must check out this new game from Ambrosia. (via)
Souvenirs – If you haven’t seen this set of photos by Michael Hughes that puts souvenirs in context, do check it out.
The Fruit Guys – Fruit of the Loom has some great commericals out. This site has videos and MP3s to boot. My favorite is “Blue.”
This I Believe – Lenna Mae Gara from Wilmington Ohio made me say “Amen” in the car. This link is an MP3, kinda long, slow paced, but a lovely perspective on religion.
Current music: New Order “Ceremony”