
Random links for the day

Pick up wall art – This wall art above now adorns my entryway. You can buy it at Urban Outfitters. It’s actually hand painted and you can almost smell the sweat shop.

Worst Ringtone Ever – Please stop using this. (MP3)

The new chastity belt – With hot technology for the millennium (thanks champ)

Veer Shuttleboard – A great way to composite type, image and other tidbits. The first thing I’ve seen where the web could become an application for design.

Ajax on Rails – New technology is easy.

Neko Case – live in the woxy lounge late this afternoon, and Gorillaz + de novo dahl tomorrow…

Nice watch – I’ll stick with my mobile phone though… (via Nixlog)

2 responses to “Truckin”

  1. Sean Avatar

    chris–thanks for the links. the ajax on rails had me cracking up! i also agree on the worst ringtone ever. ugh. -sean

  2. naughty Avatar

    It’s just enough, escorted by a little time thinking. horny cheerleaders I saw susan fisting.