I’m really not looking for Maude
I went to a funeral on Friday to offer condolences and lend support to a friend. His father passed rather quickly.
I remember back at my father’s funeral, the fortune of having friends in attendance.
This was an entirely different service though, much brighter in spirit, in a well appointed funeral home.
Standing room only, so I sat in a side room listening to the short service over the speakers. Out the window, as perfect a day as one could imagine — trees in bloom, bright blue skies and warm sunlight.
A school bus passed beyond the flag at half staff as folks gathered in the main room sang Amazing Grace unaccompanied.
The cycle of life seemed apparent. I imagined kids waiting to lose their books and get back outside to enjoy the weather.
Still though, there’s been so much death and hardship lately. So many folks I know who have loved ones teetering or recently gone. The harsh reminder of priority.
After the service another side room became an open bar, and I helped in small ways making sure there was ice and sodas at hand for mixers. A flatscreen TV played old home movies in a corner. It was a contrast of technology as old 8mm films of Christmas mornings lone gone jittered silently. A child wearing a fireman’s hat and one of those firetucks you pedaled… A miniature billiard table… The attention span of three young boys as they unearthed more presents…
In no shape or form do grand toys indicate a great father, but you could sense it as folks regarded the videos and clumped into conversations.
Overall though, this funeral gave me ideas for some requirements I want to commit to writing for my own service. I’ve gone on long enough here though, and the weekend offered more things I hope to capture.
One last thing, I did walk around outside that day to capture more Spring.