
Shake It carryall

I’d say my days are starting to repeat, but that’d be false. I’ve had the most productive 24 hours I’ve had in a while, and I’m about ready to crash hard from it.

Got a concept pushed farther along for a potential client, and whipped up a proposal for another one. Could it be that I could make a run of this smaller independent type consultancy? I’ve no idea.

In between, I had lunch again at Potluck and was once more amazed by the quality of chow. This time, the chicken and rice soup coupled with a simple, but tasty, turkey roast sandwich.

I did get sucked into the record store, and found they had these CD-sized wax paper bags with “Delicious” printed on them real nice. There’s a notion I have with my bud to make t-shirts of out found things like this.

I got to listen to his purchases, old and new, in the car… Now I can’t get the Scissor Sisters to leave my noggin, in a similar way to the old group Jellyfish, kinda sorta. I guess it all sounds like Elton John in bed with the BeeGees.

The other perk came from Belle & Sebastian and their latest, Books.

Immediately I said, just by looking at the sleeve, “Whoa, this is dfferent.” As bands go, they always had this distinct duo-tone style that reminded me of Smiths covers.

And it is indeed different upon first spin. Was this disco? Must listen more.

Until then, the pizza man will be here soon.